I have spent the last five years in a job that involved a commute of between 45-60 minutes each way, about a 100k round trip. Interestingly I found the time spent on the freeway was not wasted, I used it to enjoy listening to music. I'm not a big fan of commercial radio, they tend to play tend to play the same old crap over and over. I find this frustrating because there is so much classy music on Records that just doesn't get any airplay. I can understand this with pop artists, the record companies have invested to produce the music and they dictate airplay to ensure a $ return. What I don't get is the Golden oldies radio stations that could play diverse classic rock, but instead continue the model of playing old chart topping singles over and over. Its a bit like listening to a bad wedding band.
I have realised that I live in a musical timewarp and suffer musical developmental delay. I have identified my musical time lag, it's about 10 years generally, although occasionally something new breaks through to me. I tend to warm to new artists slowly.
There are a lot of advantages to being musically retarded. You rarely have to pay full price for a new (10y old) CD, municipal libraries have a great selection and your friends are surprised that you have never heard of or listened to ( insert band name here) and that you don't have the CD and then insist that you borrow it from them. I have a number of cds that I do not recall buying and I really should return.
The other great thing about being musically retarded is that I am usually just discovering bands when they start releasing Greatest Hits albums. This is not a bad thing surely? Using my iphone for my music library is my greatest tech achievement to date.
So what have I been listening to lately?
Absolute Garbage . This is a great compilation, worth listening to with good head phones in a quiet room. !
Foo Fighters. how did I miss these guys?
Instead of sitting in traffic 2 hours a day, I have been slow moving on the mower, ear pieces in and ear muffs over the top. The music makes an already pleasant task even more enjoyable and encourages thought and contemplation.