It has been six months since we moved to Tasmania from Melbourne.
Our Block in January 2013. Hot and Dry
Monday the 8th July2013 |
We have experienced our first heavy Frosts. Crunchy under foot, delightful and still. I had my first experience with Tasmanian icy roads. Despite the Channel Highway being close to the water, we experienced a number of sections of road covered with Ice. I managed to slide the car sideways through the middle of Margate. It was probably a bit disconcerting for the oncoming traffic. It was interesting to feel the cars traction control cutting in and out, it tended to set up a side to side wobble as you drove along. I didn't really like it.
It is hard to tell from the picture but our lower dam has been covered with Ice for the last few days. The ice was up to 10mm thick in places. Will had a lovely time collecting large sheets of ice which he then smashed like glass on a tree stump.
Our Orchard is in. 4 Apple, 1 Pear, 2 Peach, 1 Peacharine, 1 Nectarine, 1 grafted Plum, 2 Apricots, 1 cherry, 1 Lemon, 1 Lime, 1 Olive tree.
There were an area in the orchard that was very wet. We decided to put in some Aggi drains to deal with the winter water. Hand dug and filled, they were quite a bit of effort.
One thing I have realised is that I can no longer dig ditches all day. I developed a bit of pain in my right Elbow that has taken two weeks to resolve. It made me consider what mechanical aides I might use for future landscaping projects. The economy in Tasmania is a lot smaller and slower than the mainland and the market place for second hand machinery is much smaller. I spotted a Kubota tractor for sale on gumtree, its only small but it is fitted with a rotary hoe and more importantly a front end loader. It's rated to pick up about 200kg which is plenty given that it only weighs 500kg itself. It should make life a bit easier.